This is a blog to drain my brain cells - Drained by Back2vasanth @lias Vas' Morgan

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Simpsons Goes to Ghirardelli

Yesterday we had good time watching 'The Simpsons Movie' along with HDS office mates in AMC Theatre located in Disney's Pleasure Island Orlando. The AMC theatre has 24 screens and it was a round building with theatre screens all around its circumference. We enjoyed the movie along with a pack of Popcorn and a cup of coke. It was a history in my life time as i never ever watched a cartoon movie in a theatre before. Ha ha... That movie made history too, with house full audience.

After the movie Jody invited everyone for his treat at Girardelli, which is a famous chocolate and Icecream manufacturer. We went there, had ice creams, and had fun. I had a big cup of 'World famous Giradelli Ice cream'. It was really an awesome icecream. But don't ask about the price of icecreams. It varies from $15 to $25. Cheap isn't it.


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